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Where in the World

Our Family Adventures

Welcome to my little corner of the web where I get to share my passion for exploring the world with my family. I'd probably be a nomad if I could convince my family it was a good idea, alas, we have a fairly standard American lifestyle but once or twice a year we hop on a plane to a new destination. I find these adventures to be life-shaping experiences. I hope to share the why's, how's, and where's with anyone interested in jumping out of their comfort zone and taking in this glorious planet.

The World is our Playground

Adventure Philosophies

It's not about luxury and status, find out why exploring the world with our children is important to us. 

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DIY Adventures

Budgets and fear often derail US families from considering international destinations. Ditch the travel agents and learn to plan your dream adventure for less than you expected.

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Adventure Diaries

I've started sharing our adventures and our lessons learned along the way to help others know what to expect. 


Sample Itineraries

Get some inspiration and kick start your planning with some sample itineraries. 

Coming Soon!


Where Have We Been?

©2023 by Where in the World. 

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